Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas!!!

John 3:17 (ESV) "God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him." Christ, the savior of the world was born today! Rejoice!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I am trying to get myself really organized for 2017. The main reason being that I want 2017 to be my best year yet. Despite what happens in 2017, I am super motivated to improve my life, and set some new goals (including gaming goals).

With that said, if I really want things to change for the better, this is going to be an extremely difficult year ahead of me. I am not going to get discouraged though. I want to see big changes and I'm ready for it. Much of this has to do with the fact that I recently got engaged to my girlfriend of 12 years, and I am tired of being stuck in a hole. I need a better job, I need a place I can call mine, and I need a more healthy lifestyle. I want to handle this whole being an adult thing, and just be better at life overall.

So that's my story right now. Even though I have a busy year ahead of me, I plan to significantly improve my gaming life as well. At this point, my hands have almost completely healed from my work injuries! Awesome Games Done Quick is just around the corner and I am in need of some serious practice.

I am currently scheduled to play Super Mario Bros and The Lost Levels for the AGDQ charity marathon. I am tentatively playing Tuesday night, January 10th: AGDQ 2017 Schedule

I will be racing darbian and Kosmic in Super Mario Bros warpless (All Stages) and very likely Any% (warps) as well. I will also be racing them for The Lost Levels Any% 8-4 (warps). Nowadays, it's a pretty big deal to get a spot in the marathon, so I am very grateful for that.

I said that I would be starting a series: Black Box NES Gaming. I am, and it seems I'm kicking it off with Super Mario Bros! I NEED to practice for AGDQ, so my SMB addiction will commence once again. My plan is to play SMB/LL until the end of January, and switch to the other black box games February 1st.

Tentative Stream Schedule: Dec 26 - Jan 31
Super Mario Bros. - Warpless
Super Mario Bros. - Any%
The Lost Levels (FDS) - Any% 8-4
Super Mario Bros. - High Score Attempts
The Lost Levels (SNES) - Any% D-4 (Mario)
The Lost Levels (SNES) - Warpless D-4 (Mario)

Feb 1:
Kung Fu - High Score Attempts

Thanks for reading!

Stay tuned for more gaming updates...


  1. 12 years?! That's a lot if years for such a young pup like you. A big congrats on the engagement! Me and Syl just hit 29 years together and 25 of them married. We wish you the same good fortunes that we've had.

    Good luck on your goals for the year.


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