Saturday, March 25, 2017

March Toward Victory!

Hey again! I thought I would write a quick update on what's been going on with me.

I have been trying to find more time to stream on Twitch. I have not been streaming nearly as often as I would like to. With our fiscal year end going on at work, I have had to work more late shifts than I expected. Thankfully, we just finished with inventory and my schedule should return to normal. It's been an exhausting few weeks. My time management has been pretty poor the past few months and I'd like that to change. Primarily, I need to fix my sleep schedule. It's been hard to find time for all my gaming projects. I have huge goals for this year, and I'm seriously frustrated with my lack of progress lately.

I'm currently focused on my Super Mario Bros warpless (all stages) speedrun. My goal has been to beat the 19:04 world record time darbian achieved just a few months ago. I managed 19:10 on the category last month, but haven't improved since. While I'm still 6 seconds off the world record, I am definitely closer than it appears. My consistency has improved dramatically this month. It seems like I have a serious shot at the world record a few times each stream. I am consistently tied or ahead of darbian's pace, but I have had trouble keeping that momentum. It's discouraging to have so many good runs fall apart near the end, but it means I'm getting closer to what I want.

My goal with warpless was to break the world record by the end of March. I only have one full week to meet that goal, but I'm still going to try my best to make it happen. In the end, I never really know when the run is going to happen. However, what I do know is that the run WILL happen. I won't give up until it happens.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Stream Announcements

1) I can no longer stream on Wednesdays.

I am volunteering my time every Wednesday night, and it the timing makes it impossible to do a good stream unless I decide to stream very late those days (but this is unlikely).

2) WedNESdays is changing because of the above.

I think the goal with it now is to get a speedrun time on a large portion of the NES titles. It's not happening on Wednesdays, but I think these projects will pop up from time to time. They're fun!

3) My new schedule times: (All EST)
Mon: 4:30-7
Tues: 4:30-7
Wed: Off
Thurs: 4:30-7
Fri: Might stream after 4:30
Sat: Might stream any time
Sun: Likely not streaming, but you never know

This is my general schedule, but sometimes things pop up that allow me to stream more or less often.

I am trying extremely hard to maintain a consistent stream schedule. I should always be streaming Mon, Tues, and Thurs unless I say otherwise. I am also trying to find time to stream at some point during the day every Saturday.

4) Warpless Super Mario Bros continues strong. 

This is my main project until I break darbian's world record time. I've got a good game plan to beat it by the end of March, so I'm hoping that happens. I also have a few ideas I need to test out still regarding the speedrun route.

5) Next Project is Super Mario Bros 2 (USA) Warpless

I am in the process of routing the game.